Stress affects most people in some way.
Acute (sudden or short-term) Career stress leads to rapid changes throughout the body. Almost all body systems (the heart and blood vessels, immune system, lungs, digestive system, sensory organs, and brain) gear up to meet perceived danger.
These Career stress responses could prove beneficial in a critical, life-or-death situation. Over time, however, repeated stressful situations put a strain on the body that may contribute to physical and psychological problems. Chronic (long-term) stress, often as a result of pressure in the workplace, can have real health consequences and should be addressed like any other health concern.
Several studies are now suggesting that job-related stress is as great a threat to health as smoking or not exercising. Stress impairs concentration, causes sleeplessness and increases the risk for illness, back problems, accidents, and lost time from work. Work stress can lead to harassment or even violence on the job. At its most extreme, chronic stress places a burden on the heart and circulation that in some cases may be fatal.
Not all work stress is harmful, however studies suggest the following job-related stressors may increase health risks, particularly in men:
- Having no control over decisions that affect one’s responsibilities
- Unrelenting and unreasonable performance demands
- Lack of effective communication and conflict-resolution methods among workers and employers
- Lack of job security
- Night-shift work, long hours, or both
- Spending too much time away from home and family
- Wages not matching levels of responsibility
Many companies put intense pressure on their employees to behave in ways that increase tension, yet there are numerous effective tools and techniques available to reduce stress. Treatment for work-related stress has proven benefits for both the employee and employer. Studies show that stress management treatment offers tangible savings in workers compensation costs, and may lower employees’ blood pressure.
Thinkshift has helped many clients reduce their stress levels particularly through hypnotherapy. Treatment typically allows clients to better cope with day-to-day pressures, feel more at ease about making important decisions, overcome nerves, increase motivation and build self-confidence.
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